Hitting the ground running: The first 100 days
Hitting the ground running: The first 100 days

Strategic Communications

A business or organisation’s success can be profoundly affected by a damaged reputation, a poorly framed policy or punitive regulation. At the same time, a well-structured strategic communications programme can address these challenges and help open the door of opportunity to allow businesses and organisations to thrive.

Smarter Thinking – Real Results


WA’s Strategic Communications team works across a range of industries and sectors to help shape reputations, influence policy and regulatory change, and achieve real results. We provide genuine insight and analysis that goes beyond the headlines, allowing us to choose the tools and shape strategies for clients to build or protect their market share.

Our integrated offer ranges from message development, media relations, crisis communications and thought leadership, to creating coalitions of influence, stakeholder relationship building, advocacy and parliamentary engagement.

We ensure we can measure and evaluate the outcomes of our campaigns and we are proud of the results we achieve in meeting our clients’ objectives.

WA have helped us to hone our message, get it to the right people and explain that our solution is viable even when other voices in the debate said otherwise. We have been able to build relationships in government, parliament and Ofgem, and as a result we have a voice at the table as policy is decided.

Dominic Quennell, Managing Director Enertechnos

We have worked with

british psychological society logo
merck logo on transparent

Talk to us

Marc Woolfson

Founding Partner

Tom Frackowiak

Senior Partner, Head of Financial Services

Lee Findell

Partner, Head of Corporate Communications

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020 7222 9500

6th Floor, Artillery House
11-19 Artillery Row
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